Archive 2016

Night with obstacles, but some frames could be used, Session from 04.12.2016

On sunday it was foggy all day in Bremen - I was not thinking about a photo night. At about ten-thirty, however, the sky suddenly cleared up. So the observatory was driven up and I could continue with color exposures for NGC 1579.

The night, however, started with problems. At first there was something fogged in the system, it was the secondary mirror. Fortunately, I have a heater, so I did not have to wait very long for a clear vision. The first pictures showed again warped stars in the corners, thus still a tilting - despite everything is screwed. In view of the later hour, I let it all like it was. I wanted to look another day to the optical problems and waste no exposure time.


A first sample processing of the approximately 30 RGBs revealed to me how weak the fog is. Or it was the moderate transparency, in any case, I would have still to image much more exposures to get a usable picture.
